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Showing posts from February 1, 2015

Combating Heart Diseases

Heart disease is a common topic of discussion anywhere. In countries like US where life is fast paced and people are living a sedentary lifestyle, cardiac problems are growing leaps and bounds. Most of the ailments related to heart are caused by improper food habit, wrong medication, ignoring physical discomfort like heaviness and/or pain on chest, numbness in neck or left arm, indiscipline way  of living, poor sleep, and addiction  to smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Kinds of Heart Diseases Heart disease states a series of conditions which create bad impact on your heart. Diseases falling into the cardiac category can be listed as blood vessel diseases like heart rhythm problems, that is, arrhythmias; valve defect, clot in arteries, reduction in pumping capacities, and congenital heart defects among others.    When Heart Fails Like any other organ, heart also gets tired of working every second. Several organs experience a resting time in a man’s ...