The renowned AHA or American Heart Association has lately laid down specific guidelines which should be practiced by every professional to conduct perfect ACLS to aid victims suffering from cardio oriented ailments to be offered the right treatment. Hence the AHA ACLS program is largely taken up by proficient medical experts, nurses and doctors. The key aim of AHA is to offer a world that is free against all forms of cardiac related diseases. Therefore in doing so the focus and effort of AHA is in bringing a positive situation particularly in the whole human race where people are dying due to cardiac arrest is reduced and wiped out entirely. The ACLS course that is AHA approved is that course that is offered to learners to get an authentic certification in ACLS. The whole curriculum rests on the guidelines offered by AHA (American Heart Association). The AHA approved ACLS class offered in Nashville is provided to every health care expert and offers good knowhow on this ...